Town Justices
The Court Clerks are available by phone and in person during Normal Business Hours:
Monday/Friday 9AM-6:30PM
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9AM-3:30PM
Office will be closed for Lunch daily 12:30PM-1:00PM
Hon. Annamaria Maciocia
Phone: (845) 883-5805
Fax: (845) 883-6730

Court Sessions: Every Friday
Clerk- Dawn
Closed for legal holidays.
Hon. Garry E. Ashdown
Phone: (845) 883-5805
Fax: (845) 883-6730
Court Sessions: Every Monday 4:00-8:00PM

Clerk – Maureen Email- MCORCORA@NYCOURTS.GOV
Closed for legal holidays
Mailing Address: PO Box 45, Modena, NY 12548
Physical Address: 1915 Route 44-55, Modena, NY 12548
**Proper attire is required in court. NO CELL PHONES, CAMERAS, RECORDING DEVICES, OR ANY OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES WILL BE PERMITTED. No FIREARMS or any other weapons will be permitted, unless you are a uniformed officer with proper ID. No food, beverage or gum allowed.
Ulster County District Attorney
Ulster County Courthouse
Attn: A.D.A. Daniel Rusk and*or Laura Roberts
275 Wall Street
Kingston, NY 12401
(845) 340-3280
845) 340-3744 Fax
Ulster County Public Defenders Office
18 Lucas Ave, Kingston, NY 12401-3819
(845) 340-3232
**Payments due may be paid at the court with cash (exact), certified check or money order made out to:
Plattekill Town Court
**To pay with a credit card or debit card, you may use (a convenience fee will apply)
EVICTIONS: Court hears evictions on Monday’s & Friday’s.
The court hears summary proceedings concerning property that is located in The Town of Plattekill. The filing fee is $20.00.
Contact the Court for available dates and times.
SMALL CLAIMS: Court hears claims on Monday’s & Friday’s.
Contact the Court for available dates and times
Geographic Jurisdiction: You must bring the action where the defendant resides, is employed or has a place of business at the time you start the action.
Monetary Jurisdiction: Up to $3000 – money only
Who can use small claims: You must be an individual 18 years or older. Under 18 years, action must be brought by a parent or guardian. Corporations, Partnerships, Associations or assignee’s cannot bring actions in Town & Village Small Claims Court.
Cost: Filing Fee – $10.00 for claims of less than $1000, $15.00 for claims of $1000 to $3000. Filing fee is paid at time of filing. Small claim notices will be mailed by the court and a copy will be mailed to you to notify you of the date and time of the hearing. Bring evidence and witnesses to the hearing.
CIVIL ACTIONS: Court hears civil actions on Monday’s & Friday’s.
Contact the Court for available dates and times.
The filing fee for a civil action is $20.00.
ADJOURNMENTS of Civil Cases: a request for an adjournment must be in writing and provide the reason for the request. A copy of this request MUST be provided by the person requesting the adjournment to his/her adversary (“cc” to the other side).
If the other party consents tot the requested adjournment, the adjournment may be granted by the Court.
If all parties do NOT consent to the requested adjournment, then the Court will make a ruling with respect to the request for adjournment.
Unless the adjournment is granted by the Court, the parties MUST appear at the scheduled date and time. Failure to appear may result in the entry of a judgement against the defending party. The Town court is located in the Plattekill Town Hall, 1915 Route 44-55, Modena, NY 12548